Modern Slavery Statement

1. Introduction

This statement outlines our commitment to combating modern slavery and human trafficking within our operations and ensuring that our charitable practices uphold the highest standards of ethical conduct and are compliant with all applicable laws.

Soundwell provides music therapy on a group and individual basis to adults in the Bristol and B&NES area who are experiencing mental health needs.

Given the nature of Soundwell activities, it does not have a traditional supply chain. The services it procures are from third parties that do not typically involve types of labour at risk for slavery and human trafficking. For these reasons, the charity considers itself to be low risk with respect to slavery and human trafficking issues.

Soundwell will continually monitor the level of risk throughout our operational chains and take action should it determine a higher risk of modern slavery exists.

2. Our Commitment

Soundwell is committed to preventing modern slavery and human trafficking in all forms. This commitment extends to our workforce, partners and suppliers. We recognize that modern slavery is a serious issue that can have devastating impacts on individuals and communities, and we are determined to play our part in eradicating it.

3. Policies and Procedures

To support our commitment, we have implemented the following policies and procedures:

  • Anti-Slavery Policy: Our Anti-Slavery Policy outlines our zero-tolerance stance towards modern slavery and provides guidance on identifying and addressing potential risks. This policy is communicated to all employees and relevant stakeholders.
  • Safeguarding: Modern slavery is referred to and integrated into our safeguarding policy and training. All employees and contractors are required to consider the possibility of modern slavery when working with clients and to follow due process if there are concerns or suspicions around this.
  • Due Diligence: We are committed to working with partners who share our values and adhere to the same ethical standards. We require our partners, contractors, vendors, and other suppliers to comply with applicable laws and regulations, which may include the Modern Slavery Act 2015. In evaluating contractors, partners, and other suppliers Soundwell takes a zero-tolerance approach as it relates to any potential slavery or human trafficking issues.
  • Training: We provide resources that educate our employees on recognizing the signs of modern slavery and understanding their responsibilities in reporting any concerns.

4. Reporting and Accountability

We encourage employees, suppliers, and stakeholders to report any concerns related to modern slavery. Reports can be made directly to the Director at

All reports are investigated thoroughly, and appropriate actions are taken to address any issues. We do not tolerate retaliation against anyone who reports concerns in good faith.

5. Review and Improvement

We regularly review and update our policies, practices and educational resources to ensure they remain effective and aligned with current legislation and best practices. We are committed to continuous improvement and will take necessary steps to Enhance our efforts in combating modern slavery.

6. Conclusion

Soundwell is dedicated to ensuring that modern slavery has no place in our operations. We will continue to uphold our commitment to ethical practices and work diligently to protect human rights across all regions where our business is active. This statement is made pursuant to the Modern Slavery Act 2015. It is signed approved by the board of trustees, and will be reviewed annually to ensure its ongoing effectiveness.

Adopted: January 2025
To be reviewed: January 2026
